Karo Graph

Symbol Editor Help

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Customizable Symbols

Every document has 50 customizable symbols. By pressing the Symbol Edit button, the symbol editor opens.

When selecting a symbol from the left, the editor shows a large preview of it on the right including all controls to customize that symbol.

Drawing Code

The drawing code lets you define how symbols are drawn. The drawing commands each use one code line are executed sequenctially from top to bottom.

The coordinate system is a right handed system with positive x to the right and positive y to the top. One unit is the 18th part of a grid square (as defined in the Canvas Settings).

The possible drawing commands are the following:

Line      startX startY endX endY lineWidth strokeColor
Rect      top right bottom left lineWidth strokeColor fillColor
Circle    centerX centerY radius startAngle endAngle lineWidth strokeColor fillColor
Triangle  pos1X pos1Y pos2X pos2Y pos3X pos3Y lineWidth strokeColor fillColor

Drawing Colors

The values for strokeColor and fillColor can be:

  • 0 - 49 Specific color (see image on the right or for more detailed information, see Colors)
  • no Transparent
  • fg Foreground color. Denotes the currently selected color while drawing. When the symbol has the Invert Black checkbox checked, the fg color turns to white (color id 8) when the currently selected color is black (color id 0).

If the lineWidth is zero or strokeColor is transparent, no stroke line will be drawn.