Bit Fiddle


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What does this application do?

UI elements of the main window

The main window exists in two variants: A large and a mini version. To switch between the two versions, press the green button in the title bar or select the appropriate command in the window menu.

The main window is divided in to the entry fields above, the output fields in the middle and the settings below.

The input and output fields are arrangen in a table, whereas the columns represent the different bases and the rows represent the differen byte sizes: 8, 16, 32, 64 and n Bytes. With n Bytes, the result will automatically use as many bytes as neede for an unsigned number.

When inputting numbers, only very specific digits are parsed. Any character which is not an allowed digit will simply be ignored (as well as the negativ sign! See below).

In the large window, there are additional sessings which can be selected directly or by using the appropriate menu command:

UI elements of the ASCII window

The window is divided into the ASCII characters above and the settings below.

By hovering over the differen characters, additional informations will be displayed in the section below.


At application start:

Keep windows in foreground:

Why isn't the twos complement negative?

There is a large confusion about what exactly the twos complement is. Many people think the twos complement inside a computer is the same as a negative number. This is not true.

We humans compute numbers using the decimal system with the digits 0 to 9. To express a negative number, we have an additional character> The negativ sign. A computer though can only express numbers with two digits 0 and 1 and has no additional character for negative numbers. Therefore, he must somehow encode a negative number with 0 and 1 such that both positive as well as negative numbers can be stored. Nowadays, the most common way to do this is using the twos complement. of the absolute value.

The twos complement therefore depicts the conversion of an absolute value, stored as a binary value. How to finally interpret such a binary value though can not be predicted. One can not distinguish between signed or unsigned values. For computing the twos complement, such interpretation is irrelevant as it simply converts the binary digits using a clearly specified method.

There are rather a lot of different possibilities to convert binary values, interpret them, shorten or extend them as well as display them. If all possibilities would have been implemented in Bit Fiddle, the UI would have become very complex. The developer decided to provide only the most common conversions. Some cases are therefore hard to achieve but these cases are usually the trivial cases which no developer bothers to enter digits into a program. To understand, what is going on in Bit Fiddle, here is a complete description of the conversion process:

The exact process of converting numbers

This conversion should cover all non-trivial conversions of your everyday work with integer numbers.

Beware, as the input will always be assumed to be unsigned, it is not possible to enter a signed number using hexadecimal numbers and read out the negative value as a decimal number. For those interesten in that, they should convert the number using the twos complement and add a negative sign to the resulting number.