iso646.h - Substitutions for language support

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The standard headers of C and C++ define some macros that can be included as desired and promise certain comforts in programming.

Support for Character Encoding ISO 646

When the C language was created, the ASCII standard was not yet fully established. Instead, many programming language writers have relied on the so-called invariant code set , which is standardized under the number ISO 646. This character set does not contain all the characters that are required for the full range of the C language. Therefore, some operators have been defined as macros, which are available by including the appropriate header:

#include <iso646.h>
#include <ciso646>

This header defines a few macros to support older compilers. More information can be found under the signs .

#define   and      &&
#define   and_eq   &=
#define   bitand   &
#define   bitor    |
#define   compl    ~
#define   not      !
#define   not_eq   !=
#define   or       ||
#define   or_eq    |=
#define   xor      ^
#define   xor_eq   ^=