Version 2.1 ----------- - Application changes its name from Color Prompt to Color Presto - Adding more languages - Adding about and preferences buttons Version 2.0.1 ------------- - Corrected help links - Set minimum os requirement to 10.13 - Close application when main window closes. Version 2.0 ----------- - Application changes its name from Color Machine to Color Prompt - Rewrite of the whole application in C. - Redesign of the various windows - Removing Screen Resolution window - Removing FD-7 Support - Added UVW colorspace Version 1.3.8 ------------- X Discontinuation of support. - Removed unnecessary resources from final binary - Added Screen Resolution Button - New Code signing - Fixed a potential memory error. - Compilation with latest NALib Version 1.3.7 ------------- - Fixed a crash in Yosemite when clicking next to the spectral display - Recompiled with latest NALib Version 1.3.6 ------------- - Fixed a crash when selecting certain RGB color spaces while a measurement device was attached or was getting attached. This also likely fixes a rare crash when quitting the application. - Custom whitePoint now always have Y value 1. - Remission spectra are gray when a custom whitePoint is used. - Illumination spectra now show the background color relative to the currently selected reference illumination. - Computation of undefined values of certain colorspaces now use the whitePoint again. - Lots of internal changes and more to come. Probably last version before something new and big. Version 1.3.5 ------------- - Feature request: Added Rec. BT RGB colorspaces - added Linear-Gamma response to the GUI with 4 parameters and presets. - removed Custom Lab Version 1.3.4 ------------- - Rebuild with some codesign adjustments - Now works on 10.9 - Refined Icon Version 1.3.3 ------------- - Redesigned the 3D-View with lots of refinements. - Spaces can now additionally be visualized as surfaces. - Added automatic 3D-rotation - Corrected a small error in ISO-23603:2005 Version 1.3.2 ------------- - Compiled with latest CML - Metamerics checked with ISO-23603:2005 - Added Metamerics for D50, D55, D65 and D75 and a selector in the window - UV metamerics now computed without normalization factor - Metameric colors now always display reference on the right. - Display of metameric colors now more accurate. - Display of metameric colors now chromatically adapted. Better for viewing. Version 1.3.1 ------------- - Tested HiDPI but seems too slow and the 3D-View too small - using backingScaleFactor instead of userSpaceScaleFactor - Color in Gray Display is now device-color - The dots are now drawn with Quartz - No more graphic card switch Version ----------- - Bugfix: Setting Blue primary updates the machine. - Added opaque setting to some views Version 1.3 ----------- - Application runs on MacOSX 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, HiDPI looks ok, could be improved. Sandboxed. 64-bit only. - Temperature slider is now nonlinear - Infinity temperature for Blackbody is implemented - Added FD-7 Measurement Device. FD-5 is explicitely not supported. - Added Konica Minolta references - Added Color Selection. Currently not open by default but opens when an FD-7 is attached. - Changed remaining color displays to CoreGraphics instead of OpenGL - Added Illumination & Metamerics Window - Removed Adaptation, Mask and Grid for now (was confusing now and will be back in a different way later). Same goes for RGB gamma display and such. - Simplified Machine section - added Yupvp Build ------------- - Rebuild with new CML Build ------------- - Reimplemented color displays with CoreGraphics instead of OpenGL - Implementation of color displays is now unified. Much fewer code. Version 1.2.4 ------------- - The hue orientation of HSV and HSL has been removed - Created new State-menu to reset machine, set whitePoint and primaries. - Moved Tools menu to Window - adjusted the help - Reimplemented 3d display - rearranged coordinate systems of 3d display - OnlyShowWeb has been removed. - Spectral Display shows wavelength raster - Computation of screen RGB reimplemented Build ------------- - Preparing for Version 1.2.4 with color selection. - Needed to rearrange the loading of application, nibs and inits (AGAIN!). - Colors are now selectable and store their own color. - Added base class ColorController - Made it run with latest changes of CML - Dragging Yxy or Yuv to the bottom will no longer jump to black. - XYZ related values are now based on 1 and displayed with 5 digits - Deleted colorimetric Base - Deleted integration Step Build ------------- - Changed several files due to latest changes in CML and MBLib Version 1.2.3 ------------- - Added YCbCr colorspace. It is always related to the current RGB colorspace. - Rearranged gray in the machine window - Spectral curve in 3D View is now off when first opening the window. - Corrected and enhanced the help. Version 1.2.2 ------------- - Prepared Application for submission to MacAppStore - Corrected and enhanced the help. - Rearranged gray in the machine window - Application closes after last window close New versioning: X Groundbreaking new implementation. Technology change. X.X New kind of usage. Possibly big changes in UI. X.X.X Builds. Bugfixes. Internal modifications. Feature additions. Possibly small changes in UI. Build ------------- - Fixed slider default value of LUT - Fixed display of colors with colorimetric base changes Build ------------- - Changed Hue orientation popup to radios Build ------------- - Renamed PixelDisplay to ColorMachineOpenGLView - Adjustments to latest CML - made implementation of ColorMachineOpenGLView more streamlined. Adjusted all color displays accordingly. - Deleted Mask Type - Deleted old XYZtoScreenRGB function - Reimplemented mask and grid. Added GUI element for number of gridlines - removed WebRestrict completely - Made GUI more structured. Build ------------- - Made implementation with textures. More speed. - Simplified Displaying of pixels with PixelDisplay - Removed 3rd axis for grid - Removed mask and grid for the momemt Version 1.2.1 ------------- - Added a help - Added the ability to change response curves - Built with the new CML Build ------------- - Rebuild with template-less CML. Build ------------- - Foundation is now CML, not MBLib anymore. - Adjusted the implementation accordingly. - Grey is now Gray - Background of 3DView is now dark gray from the beginning. - ColorMachine is now property of Manderim GmbH - Changed the About dialog. Website is linked Build ------------- - Build with the new MBLib Build ------------- - Fixed u* and v* in GUI Version --------------- - Fixed displaying of Yxy and Yuv curve - Made unnormalizing state less confusing - Changed ordering of gridview Version 1.2 ----------- - Changed the layout of the window. - Machine is left and all colors right now. - Added Yuv - Made Lch dependent on hue orientation - Added background slider to 3d view - Made interpolation interval continuous Version 1.1.12 -------------- - Added scrollWheel instead of second mouse button for 3D view - Gave a more refined look to the 3D view - Changed the look of the buttons in the main window Version 1.1.11 -------------- - Fixed a bug in displaying the Yxy spectral curve - Recompiled with new MBLib. New Observers and lights available. - Added Normalization of whitePoint checkbox - Added Selection of temperature estimation Version 1.1.10 -------------- - Added colorimetry base Build ------------ - Changed to latest changes in MBLib. Colors are virtual again. Build ------------ - Removed all warnings Version 1.1.9 ------------- - Lots of under-the-hood changes. Design is much cleaner now. - Renamed some folders - Added CMYK but found to be unsuitable. Removed again. - Restricting to WebColor currently hidden - 3D Display is now in its own window. Resizable. - Rearranged Machine window Build ------------- - Integration-Step slider and textField have been changed to only support some values - Integration of curves is done more computationally solid. Version 1.1.8 ------------- - Rearranged the window - Introduced sliders for the integration - Standard LUT size is set to Float Build ------------- - changed the LUT of the screenmachine to 8 bit - Recompile with new MBLib Version 1.1.7 ------------- - Added a LUT controller and a gamma display - Renamed Changelog to ColorMachineChangelog - The word "Special" indicates a special gamma for the appropriate colorspaces. - Changed Deployment target to 10.5 to get rid of warnings Build ------------- - Fixed a small bug in the 2D display of HSV and HSL - Recompilation with new MBLib. Version 1.1.6 ------------- - Changed Color Sliders to a graphical representation. - Fixed a little bug in the fovy computation Build ------------- - Recompilation with latest MBLib: automatic Conversion of colors Build ------------- - Recompilation with latest MBLib - Added fovy slider Version 1.1.5 ------------- - Added Cartesian and non-Cartesian views to 3D display - Increased possible number of dots in 3D display Build ------------- - Added Dot to the 3D display Build ------------- - Removed colorSpace warning - Compiled with the new MBLib Build ------------- - Compiled with the new MBLib Version 1.1.4 ------------- - Integrated Screen Resolution (Menu item) based on an earlier private implementation. - Adjusted About dialog Build ------------- - Application is now again a delegate and quits after window is closed. - Window reacts to the current screen profile setting. Currently, the response curve will not yet update and therefore the result is still inaccurate. - Build with the new MBLib Build ------------- - Changed base type names from bytes to bits - Removed a printout - Started bossling around with Screen Profiles. Build ------------- - Added a nice About dialog. - Changed some file namings Build ------------- - Recompilation with new MBLib. Quite a bit faster now. Version 1.1.3 ------------- - Added Chromatic adaptation - Small changes in UI Build ------------- - The "No spectrum available" text is moved to a better place. - Preparation for custom Y value for the whitePoint but not supported yet. - Recompilation with the new MBLib Version 1.1.2 ------------- - Colors on the screen now remain in one space. Currently sRGB. Should be the current screen space for future development. - Grey has been deleted from the Mask list. - Some unnecessary code has been deleted. The globalfunctions are now elsewhere. Version 1.1.1 ------------- - Added a slider to choose how many points are visible in te 3d display - HSV and HSL now really display clockwise or counterclockwise. - The spectral curve of the 3d display can now be switched on and off. - The illumination white point and the RGB primaries as well as the gamma can now be customized. - The tab order has been fixed. Version 1.1 ----------- - Reorganization of files. ColorControllers are now in a separate folder - Added ColorDisplay, the base display for all color displays - Reorganization of dependency. Added MachineController as the main class and put every machine-dependant initialization and updating inside. the WindowController is now very thin. - Fixed a nasty fucking bug with NSOpenGLView occured with the latest SDK. - Added a 3D display - Changed the layout of the window. - Added a timer - Removed the spectral slider and made the spectral display mouse-sensitive instead. - OpenGL draws smoothed lines now. - Prepared layout for future custom RGB color spaces. Added white point, primary valences and gamma to the view. - Made the Yxy display the same size as all other color displays. - Made the grey display smaller - Made the spectral colors looking nicer. Build ------------- - Added some informational values about whitePoint and rgb colorspace - Work unfinished. Will be made customizable. - Changed Layout Build ------------- - Changed implementation according to latest MBLib changes. Build ------------- - Removed the clipping again. - Changed colors of horseshoe and spectrum background - Added some (not so nice) code to support the latest MBLib Version 1.0.4 ------------- - The displaying method can now be switched from clamping to clipping - The focal point can be chosen arbitrarily. Version 1.0.3 ------------- - The limits of a colorspace can now separately be visualized with a mask and the grid. - The web color textFields can now be edited. The Hex only accepts 6 characters. The Decimal accepts comma separated as well as space separated values. Build ------------- - Fixed sRGB computation of negative numbers. Build ------------- - sRGB is now computed correctly for negative numbers. New MBLib required. Build ------------- - Made it work with non-virtual color classes available in the last MBLib Build ------------- - moved ColorMachineApplication to the src folder. - Added possibility to close window by keyboard. - changed light spectrum view to fit more nicely in the frame. 0-entries are now visible as well as the max. - Added X, Y, Z spectra to the spectrum view - Added one more decimal digit to some textFields. Build ------------- - Added support for resolution independance. - resolution independance not perfect yet (some pixel errors) but mostly ok. Build ------------- - Changed the number of hue ticks in gridview for HSV and HSL to match web secure colors. - Removed the locks of some displays as they are now indicated by not drawing the dot. - Added some nice drawn points - Removed some drawing unneccesarities. - Issue: Colors very close to boundary may be considered as outside. Build ------------- - Killed memoryleaks caused by multiple allocation of opengl-raw-pixel data. - Moved computation of padding and bytesperline into initialization and introduced initAfterResize for future use. - Release configuration now is configured for speed and striping code. - multiplying luminance directly to RGB color without converting to HSV. Speed! - pending problem: pow function uses 40% of computation time. Version 1.0.2 ------------- - Added some more options to grid view. The strength of the border can be adjusted using a slider. The grid can be switched on and off using a checkbox. - Added a flag for displaying web-secure colors. Additionally, the colors can be restricted to web-secure colors using a checkbox. - Displaygrid now defaults to off. - The RGB color can now be viewed in hex and dec format. Editing is not allowed yet but copying. Version 1.0.1 ------------- - All textFields are now formatted using a manual implementation. - Grid view has been implemented. Any ColorSpace can be viewed as a grid within any other colorspace. There is a new popup-selector at the top of the window. - The grid can be viewed with 2 or all 3 axis. Standard is 2. - Out-of-RGB-gamut has been discarded. grid view is much better. - Tab-ordering has been added. - An error when choosing an illumination without spectrum has been corrected. - The illumination spectrum now shows a note when no spectrum is available. - The Adams-Chromaticity parameter "ke" now goes from 0.1 to 1.0 in order to avoid division by zero. - RGB now displays R and B as 2D-plane with G as vertical scroller. Version 1 --------- The application "ColorMachine" has been created by Tobias Stamm. It is meant to be a tool to convert color values from different color spaces. The tool uses the implementation of MBLib as a backend. Many bugs in the implementation of MBLib have been fixed during the development of ColorMachine and now is a highly prooved color transformation implementation. The application has been used by some people starting at the end of november 2009. The author decided then to call the implementation with the provided functionality version 1. Versioning: X Groundbreaking new implementation. Technology change. X.X New kind of usage. Big changes in UI X.X.X New Features. Small UI changes X.X.X.X Builds. Bugfixes. Small internal modifications. Unimportant features